Fotogalerie Friedrichshain I Berlin
Opening, Thursday, 12 September, 7 pm
The group exhibition presents 22 photographers who are connected in two ways – the originality of their series and a personal relation to the Berlin district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg.

Petrov Ahner | Ulrike Altekruse | Lars Borges | Samet Durgun | Jeanne Fredac | Felix Hawran | Ebo Hill | Horst Hinder | Nica Junker | Bahar Kaygusuz | Jörg F. Klam | Jeremy Knowles | Tom Kretschmer | Thomas Lobenwein | Thomas Rassloff | Andy Rumball | Karoline Schneider | Daniel Schrödl | Dieter Seidel | Uli Staiger | Kathrin Tschirner | Gordon Welters
For our group exhibition in autumn 2019, all photographers were invited who have a personal connection to the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district. The district as birthplace, center of life, studio Location or distant memory… No matter where the pictures were taken, topics and contents were limitless. The final selection of the 22 photographers will focus on dedicated long-term projects as well as highly conceptual artistic series that impress with their extraordinary aesthetics.
Blind Date 13.09 – 01.11.2019
What ?
·Opening 12.09.2019 19:00 Uhr
·Artist talk 10.10.2019 19:00 Uhr
·Discussion: Fusion of the Berlin districts Friedrichshain (east) and Kreuzberg (west) within the anniversary programme 30 years Fall of the Wall on Thursday, 24 October 7pm
Where ?
Fotogalerie Friedrichshain,
Helsingforser Platz 1,
10243 Berlin
Tel.: (+49) 030 / 296 16 84
Fotogalerie Friedrichshain
When ?
Tu, Wed, Fr, Sa 14h00–18h00
Thu 10h00–20h00
Free entrance